Week 3: Angry/In Love Sloth

For these week’s assignment I decided to continue working with the concept of the sloth that feel in love while holding hands, the last week I wanted the eyes to be white when there was no contact and then turn red when the switch was on, however since I didn’t know how to program the Arduino I didn’t do it. For this week I already have the required knowledge to (at least) try to program the LED lights in a more coherent way according to my concept.

I decided to make the eyes white in the normal state but when the switch was activated, I wanted the eyes to turn red but also start blinking and interacting with the white LED lights as well, in order to create a more interactive visualization.

Circuit with analog input.

Circuit with analog input.

I started by setting up the lab that we developed in class and started playing around with the delay values and the different outputs. I also wanted to start interacting with Analog Input, therefore I used a flex sensor to cause the change of colors. I started by setting up the board with 4 LED (2 white and 1 red) and connecting it to the flex sensor. I had to program the code so that the conditional “If” would recognize the bend of the flex sensor and in that moment start running the blinking code.

Arduino code

Arduino code

I faced some challenges while using the flex sensor, specially because I had to use reference code that I found in internet and adapt it to my own code, therefore it was very tricky to define the interaction that I was imagining, however I was able to do it by printing the Voltage and understanding how to define a condition that would happen only when the finger (withe the flex sensor) bends.

Testing flex sensor with glove

Testing flex sensor with glove

The final result is a Sloth that changes it’s eye’s colors when people hold hands (simulating to be in love) however it can also be interpreted as a sloth that gets very angry when the fist is ready to punch, which I didn’t anticipate but I am embracing the fact that my project is open for people’s interpretation.